Incorporating Stretching to Your Martial Arts Workout
For your physical health, learning martial arts is great. However, it is vital to do stretching before you practice since martial arts methods sometimes include physical movements outside what most individuals do on a daily basis.
Stretching can help establish flexibility. This will help you become a successful martial arts student. But, there is a wrong way and right way to do it. If you’re training Moy Yat Ving Tsun Kung Fu Washington, here is the ideal way to integrate stretching into your regular routine.
Don’t Forget to Do Some Warm-Ups
A couple of individuals begin stretching even if their muscles are still cold. This might be what your coach said to do during your basketball practice at school. However, according to studies, it isn’t actually the ideal thing to do when stretching.
Stretching with cold muscles can cause injuries. It is a lot better to warm-up first your muscles and gets the blood flowing using a light warm-up. This includes a moderate job around the gym, elbow-knees, jump squats, and much more.
Breathe In and Breathe Out
You know how vital it is to properly breathe when doing workouts. This is particularly true if you have been in a yoga class. The principle is the same as stretching. To avoid post-exercise fatigue, improve the flow of your blood, and relax your body, you have to coordinate your breathing with your stretching.
What Forms of Stretches Are Ideal? Dynamic or Static?
Static stretching was the go-to warm-up option for almost every athlete before. For those who don’t know, static stretching means you stretch into a pose and maintain it for a couple of seconds. However, according to new studies, dynamic stretches might be a lot better. Dynamic stretching highlights motion fluidity and uses the natural momentum of the body to stretch your muscles.
A couple of examples of dynamic stretching include:
- Body Circles
Stand with your arms out to your sides and your feet apart. Make huge sweeping circles by rotating your arms at the shoulder. Move them both backward and forward.
- Lunges
Stand properly and step forward using one foot. Keep your other leg in place. Lunge down as close as you can get. Make sure that you are keeping your back straight. Repeat the process with your other foot.
- Leg Swings
Stand up properly and swing your leg out to the side, back, and front. Make sure you swing it as high as possible every time. Repeat the process with your other leg. You might want to have one arm on a pole or wall while doing these to help you with your balance.
- Hip Circles
Stand up properly and place your feet wider compared to the width of your shoulder. Also, place your hands on your hips. Move your hips in circles, making a counterclockwise and clockwise movement.
Of course, static stretching is still helpful. This is particularly true at the end of your session where your muscles are completely warmed up. However, for pre-training warm-up, dynamic stretching should be your go-to option.
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